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ink free tattoo removal

Tattoo removal

The tattoo removal with laser has become the most effective way to remove unwanted tattoos. The solution is simple but genious – light. The technology behind the light is very filigree. Our specialists work with the ND:YAG-Laser as well as with the pico second laser. These both different techniques are optimally attuned to the hair removal with light. They allow to bring the color particles to the suitable size so that the body’s defend system can transport it away. The modern technologyy requires  perfect knowledge. Ink free specialists  suppors you with medical competence. Arrange your consultation in the Mannheim institute and get to know everything important about the tattoo removal with light.

Advantages for ink free patients

Individual consultation

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The succesful laser hair removal depends on different factors. Besides size and age even the color plays an important role. In a personal consultation your tattoo is analyzed and you get the information about the chances of success and the costs.

Quick results

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It takes about 3-7 treatments in average to remove a tattoo completely.

A specialists treatment quality

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Trust your inkfree specialist  in the Rhine-Neckar region. We work with the most modern picolaser which decomposes the color pigments into the tinyest parts. These are decomosed by the body faster and more effective than with other common lase rmethods.

Fair costs

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Because of the higher efficency less treatments are needed which leads to a good price-performance ratio for you.

Tattoo removal

Trust our inkfree physician

Every tattoo is unique and needs a detailed analysis to get the best possible results. Therefore, we offer you a non-binding consultation. In this, we clarify them individually about your chances of success and risks of laser removal. You decide afterwards whether a tattoo removal in our institute is the optimal solution for you.

Grafik Arzt Hautanalyse


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Every laser removal at ink free is preceded by a thorough consultation. It is important to us that all your questions have been answered and that we have understood your goals and wishes. Together we will find an optimal solution for your request.


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Our inkfree specialist will analyse the nature of your tattoo. Particularly important is the color and the approximate depth with which the tattoo was engraved to ensure you optimal results.


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Based on your individual analysis, treatment is provided by one of our specialists. We attach great importance to hygiene and professional implementation. If desired, the affected area may be treated with an anesthetic ointment before treatment.

The Removal process

How does the laser removal work?

Color pigments are tattooed into the skin

The tattoo artist pierces the color pigments in the middle skin layer. These are too big to be broken down by the body itself and thus remain permanently in the skin

Color pigments are split

Through targeted laser pulses, the color particles are heated for a fraction of a second, causing them to break up and disintegrate into smaller parts.

Divided color pigments are removed

The resulting very fine color particles can now be transported away from the body’s own lymphatic system and leave the skin layer.

Has your tattoo become a burden?

Icon Termin Kalender

Make an Appointment


Icon consultation discussion FAQ

Frequently asked questions about tattoo removal, cover-up preparation and PMU removal.


Icon laser technology

The most effective method for the gentle removal of pigmentation and tattoos 


Icon before after

Look at pictures of some INK-FREE customers before and after and see for yourself.


Icon Payment

Information and price examples of the laser treatment for a first orientation.


Monday – Friday 8:00 – 22:00

Saturday 9:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed


Icon inkfree mannheim Logo Location info

Give us a call or write to us:


Phone: 0621 / 586 749 90


e-Mail: info@tattooentfernung-mannheim.de